Financial planning is the foundation of financial success. Our planning process begins with in-depth information gathering. Using carefully targeted questions, we determine what matters most to you, how you desire to use your wealth, and what you expect from your financial adviser.

We work with you to define your personal and financial goals, determine your timeframe for results, and ascertain your feelings about risk. This information forms the basis of your financial plan.

Our planning process can be broken into six steps:

  1. Define the Adviser/Client Relationship
  2. Gather Information & Set Goals
  3. Analyze & Strategize
  4. Develop Recommendations
  5. Present Recommendations & Put Plan into Motion
  6. Monitor Progress

Once your financial plan is implemented, we can help you monitor your progress and make any required adjustments.   We are always available to answer your questions, offer guidance for financial decisions, and to address any concerns you have about your financial path.

Our financial planning services include:

  • Financial Statement(s) Creation, Review & Projections
  • Cash Flow Planning
  • Debt Management Planning
  • Education Needs Planning
  • Investment Consulting - Public & Private Investments
  • Retirement Planning - Pre & Post Retirement
  • Estate Planning
  • Family/Personal Gift Planning
  • Charitable Gift Planning
  • Life Insurance Planning
  • Disability Insurance Planning
  • Long-Term Care Insurance Planning
  • Healthcare Savings/Expense Planning
  • Executive Compensation/Benefits Planning

Please Contact Us at 9548269765